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Resia Pretorius is a Professor in the department of Physiology, University of Pretoria. She is also Director of the Applied Morphology Research Centre at the University. She has published over 150 research articles in rated scientific journals. She has also been study leader to 28 MSc and PhD students. In December 2011, she was named as winner of the African Union Kwame Nkrumah Scientific Awards for the Southern Region in the category: Basic Science, Technology and Innovation.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Formaldehyde Debate: Are our beauty products harming us?

Report in Longevity Magazine: April 2012

Formaldehyde is currently used in many beauty products, and examples are the Brazilian Blowout as well as acrylic nails. It can be recognized by a very strong and distinct smell. This product is also used in preserving human tissue. Although it is used in beauty products, it is a known carcinogen (cancer causing agent), with no safe levels of use. Due to the fact that only scheduled products are regulated in South Africa, it rests upon us as consumers to educate ourselves about the products that we use. Is this, however, our responsibility to research every single product? Where does the responsibility lie?